It’s June 1st tomorrow. We are 6 months in to 2015! How did that happen? So MUCH has happened this year, and I haven’t documented even an eighth of the information (publicly that is). The lessons have been coming thick and fast the last 6 months. I wish I was kidding!
Someone told me in January, “28 was the year when I learnt exactly who I am, so much happened that year”. She has not been wrong thus far! It’s felt like a roller coaster or emotion and a constant wave of situations that I wouldn’t wish on anyone!
I won’t dwell on it, cause that’s not where this post is going! A lot of tears have been shred and at times I’ve felt completely helpless and down in the dumps! Today, however, I feel like I am in a place of positivity, a place to take action and to share my progress. I am making changes!
All this emotional stuff though has seriously had an impact on my health- my digestion is completely messed up and I am not happy on how I feel on the inside or look. (I was just at a wedding and I cannot even look at the pictures of me). I don’t want to feel like that anymore.
SO…I went to see my doctor and he recommend I try the Blood type diet. Not so much to loose weight, but for my internal health – aiming to feel good and in turn look good.
So the next month I am going to be logging how I get on doing Blood Type Diet.
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Small slice of info: My blood type is A Positive, heres the break down:
TYPE A: The Cultivator
The First Vegetarian
Reaps what he sows
Sensitive Digestive tract
Tolerant immune system
Adapts well to settled dietary and environmental conditions
Responds best to stress with calming action
Requires agrarian diet to stay lean and productive
The book is pretty awesome to be honest, I spent the last week reading every aspect of it and making lists so I fully understand what foods are “medicine” and what are “poison” to my body due to my blood type. It makes a lot of sense. I’ve never really been a big meat eater, don’t get me wrong I love a Steak but I think adopting a more vegetarian diet won’t be too hard. I do start my day with a smoothie, so removing the banana will be an interesting change but I’m open to it.  I am excited to see and feel the changes.
To keep on track, I thought I’d share my progress: my menu, feelings, sleep, energy etc
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So I hope you enjoy.
See you tomorrow! xo

I’m Back & Blogging…Continued.

Ok, so I got back from my Uh-mazing holiday on 19th July, and since then I feel like I have been non-stop. Work has been really busy & I’m working on a new collection of clothing/accessories to be housed under ‘Emily Jane’ so watch this space for new developments. I am hoping eventually I will be a household name when it comes to my designs. (Fingers crossed). So that has been keeping me majorly busy, and current stock that I have of my sportswear line I have been working on the logistics for the buyers…actually let me stop. That is all REALLY boring stuff that no one wants to hear about so, lets move on and just state- that has been occupying a lot of my time. 

The next thing I have been busy with is Bikram Yoga. Oh my days, I am HOOKED. Those who have read my posts/blog before, know that I am a yogi girl- I love new age stuff, and have practised yoga since I was 18. Well, I have only ever done hot yoga but Vinyasa Flow style, which is a lot different to Bikram. I’ve always been a bit put off especially in London, because studios I have gone into aren’t nice & if I am honest smell a bit. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw/read in February BIKRAM YOGA ESSEX was opening in the Spring. It is literally 15-20 min walk from my house, is one of the nicest yoga studios I have ever been too, not just for Bikram, for all studios and has such a nice energy to it. Billi & Jena are awesome, and all the teachers are so different I learn something new each class to help my practise. I started going before my holiday, actually I went 10 days straight from the day the studio opened, and just felt so good; really full of energy and my stomach a lot more toned.  Actually my family made several comments about my figure most of the holiday. Bless them. 


As soon as I got back on Friday last week, I went to the 5pm class and have been every day since, today being my 8th class. I did actually measure myself for giggles just now, and I have lost almost 2 inches off my bust, 1 inch of my waist & 2 inches off my hips. I haven’t changed my diet- I still eat my usual healthy stuff, and haven’t cut out alcohol. I swear it is all down to Bikram- I have NEVER sweated I like I do in a Bikram Class…it’s amazing. 

I guess you are like, well that’s not all of your time, surely you could have made time to blog. Honestly, I couldn’t. Work is really a 18 hour thing at the minute, and yoga is a 2 hour commitment, 90 minute class, 15 mins either side, actually it’s almost a 3 hour class if you include me walking there and back, and my shower after. Dedication. I feel amazing for it, I can’t believe it’s taken me this long. My personal challenge is now to go for 30 days straight and then actually continue up until 4th Sept to get properly set for LA. 

I promise I will make time for blogging though. 

Right you lovely people, I am off to enjoy the rest of my Saturday, I am working on 30th Birthday project, so going to walk into town to get some bits & get arty. My bro & his girlfriend are away in Rhodes, Greece this weekend for a wedding- I actually dropped them at the Airport this morning-picked them up at 4:45am-how nice of a sister am I? Anyway, I mention this because Jenni, my bro’s girlfriend is usually my go to girl for a glass of vino on a Saturday/Sunday, with her not being around, I might result in blogging a little more. Lucky you! 

What ever this Saturday brings you, I hope it is one of your best yet. 

Love you all. Em. 

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Need to jazz up your workouts? Look no further!

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